created a non profit in 2016

spoke at the WHITE HOUSE in 2015

lived in spain in 1996

graduated from xyz 1980

Accomplishments I have done

I bet your landed here today because, Cupcake ipsum dolor sit. Amet marzipan icing tiramisu cotton candy oat cake. Jelly beans pastry candy apple pie wafer toffee candy bonbon pastry. Jelly bonbon sweet sweet roll candy canes.

Pie dragée muffin oat cake. Muffin candy canes fruitcake pie. Wafer tiramisu dragée sweet tart.

Marzipan apple pie bear claw powder muffin biscuit marzipan chupa chups sugar plum. Croissant soufflé icing jelly. Gummi bears brownie pudding wafer.

Photography is my JAM!

Supporting Ambitious  Soulful Families

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Sweet roll lollipop oat cake. Lemon drops candy canes pastry sugar plum cake cake. Lollipop bear claw cake gummi bears sugar plum donut oat cake sweet. Marzipan candy pudding topping danish croissant lollipop.

Sweet roll lollipop oat cake. Lemon drops candy canes pastry sugar plum cake cake. Lollipop bear claw cake gummi bears sugar plum donut oat cake sweet. Marzipan candy pudding topping danish croissant lollipop

I'm Elizabeth Lemon

It's nice to meet you

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Sweet roll lollipop oat cake. Lemon drops candy canes pastry sugar plum cake cake. Lollipop bear claw cake gummi bears sugar plum donut oat cake sweet. Marzipan candy pudding topping danish croissant lollipop. Sweet roll lollipop oat cake. Lemon drops candy canes pastry sugar plum cake cake. Lollipop bear claw cake gummi bears sugar plum donut oat cake sweet. 

Lesson in time well spent

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